Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Inaugural Speech essays

The Inaugural Speech essays Summary of President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address This inaugural speech establishes what John F. Kennedy's vision is for the United Statesactually it is more of a world visionof global unity, supporting freedom and human rights for all humankind. He suggests that we should all celebrate in this time of freedom. Man holds all of the power in his hands. Yet, there are still revolutionary beliefs being fought around the world. He does not want us to forget that we are all apart of this revolution. He states, "The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans that are unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed"(Kennedy 1). He wants us to feel proud and support our nation. We should protect it at any cost to keep the people free. Therefore, we pledge our alliance to this nation. He believes the world would be much stronger and could conquer any problem as a whole rather than being divided. We can use our country's strengths to help the other nations to be free. He assures the new states that would be joining in the "ranks of the free"(Kennedy 1), it would not be absolute control. He encourages these states to support their beliefs and their freedom. President John F. Kennedy suggests, "We need to help the people help themselves. For if a free society cannot save the few who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich"(Kennedy 2). We all need to work together as a global unit. Also, let our neighbors know that no other countries are going to take us over. He wants us to believe that "this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house"(Kennedy He proposes a request, "Both sides begin anew the quest for peace before the destruction of all humanity in planned or accidental self destruction ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Non-Toxic Colored Smoke Bombs

Non-Toxic Colored Smoke Bombs You may have read that the YouTube colored smoke bomb video is believed to have been faked, with the video showing a military smoke bomb, masked with duct tape, rather than the smoke bomb made using the recipe. I think that probably is true, but it doesnt invalidate the recipe for the colored smoke bomb (though I have heard recommendations that you avoid adding baking soda Im looking into that). Colored smoke bombs arent new. The other recipes I have listed date back as far as 1936. A colored smoke bomb is a normal smoke bomb, with dispersed dye. The trick is to release the dye into the air, rather than simply burn it.I get a lot of questions about the safety of smoke bombs. Is it safe to use your cookware for food after making a smoke bomb? Is the smoke bomb non-toxic? Is the smoke from the smoke bomb non-toxic?The classic smoke bomb recipe is very safe. The ingredients are sugar and saltpeter. I think we can agree that sugar is non-toxic. If you read the MSDS for saltpeter (potass ium nitrate), youll see eating it will cause you to throw up, and like other nitrates, it can be converted to nitrites, so its not good for kids to eat, but its not a poison. You shouldnt taste the smoke bomb, much less eat it, but if you do, its unlikely you would fall over dead (do call Poison Control). If you wash your cookware after making a smoke bomb, it will be safe for cooking. I should note: you can ruin your pan with this recipe. If youve made candy (badly), you know burnt sugar and pans dont go well together. Smoke particles arent great for your respiratory system. The smoke from the smoke bomb is no more or less safe than smoke from a campfire. Actually, the campfire smoke is worse, but it gives you a sort of safety benchmark.Moving on to the colored smoke bomb... I wouldnt eat the organic dye, nor would I intentionally breathe it. The MSDS of the particular dye you choose will give you details, and you should read the MSDS. Id make something like this in the lab, not my kitchen. The smoke is for show, not for inhalation. Its on par with the safety of most chemistry demonstrations. Its safe if you know what youre doing and use precautions, bu t not something the average person will want to make.